Month: June 2008

  • A Large Slab of Cememt

    $800 is what we need - now who will give 100 --- 50 --- or even 25 to start it out???

    This is the goal for a large slab of cement at the school where Elizabeth is helping in Haiti. The dust gets so bad, that the children (and Elizabeth) are getting infections from it  -- and when it rains - oh my!  What mud the school floor becomes then!

    Someone has been generous and has provided the funds for Elizabeth's ticket to come to the USA from July 14 to August 11 and raise the money to put the new cement floor down before school begins this fall. We believe that God has provided a way for this to be done, and are claiming that the total will be reached before she goes back to Haiti on August 11.

    Although she will be willing to take donations - her plans are to work for pay to raise as much as she can. If you have work (local to us) and would like to use her, please message us!!

    If you would be interested in sending a few dollars for a permanent floor - message me and I will be glad to give you the address in return. Feel free to email this to anyone who you feel would be interested in praying about this project. That is the most important thing to be done with this endeavor.

    We have been amazed and blessed to see how our Heavenly Father is providing for Elizabeth's support and now for the start of a new permanent building. We know that you are praying for her as she serves there, and we are so grateful. Prayer is the first thing - not the last or least - as we so often forget. God loves hearing from us, and doing things to bring glory to His Son.

    If you are not familiar with the school, feel free to visit  or to see pictures and catch up on the news.

  • School Sale

    Tom and I arrived at the school sale around 8:30 AM. Breakfast items were on the tables, ready for you to choose. Wonderful donuts (bought a whole dozen for Tom's parents), and sausage or gravy biscuits, coffee or your choice of drinks!

    There were a lot of baked goods available, but you could see lots of them already being taken out the door. Some people must already know that you must come early to get a good choice. There has been a saying - You snooze - you loose!

    The sale always begins with the school children singing a few songs and then prayer. The auctioneer keeps the sale moving fairly fast, and you must get your bid in or it is SOLD!

    Tom saw the playhouse next to the tent, and played in it for an hour or more. He came to me, "May I please have a snowcone?" He chose the orange flavor, eating some, go play, and then do it again!

    We ate lunch with Merle and some friends before going home to the air conditioner and a nap! It was over 100!

    I was ready to return Tom to his parents at 3 PM, when he announced that he wanted to spend the night at our place! He had to ask permission, and stayed with us through Sunday afternoon late.
    When we went to Abbeville to meet someone about the scrapbook I am doing, and Merle invited Jacob's to come eat supper with us. Tom thought he had it made when he got to see our grandson. We had a nice time, but we were all ready to get to bed. (Our grandson caught his first fish that evening!)

  • Back in the "Saddle"

    Tom has begun his rides with Freddy in the combine again - the first day he rode 2 1/2 hours before his parents came to get him! Yesterday he rode another hour - after he went "yard sale-ing" for a jack hammer he had seen the last time he had been there. It was already gone, so he chose a couple small items. He loves to go to Merle's sister's yard sales, the only one I attend. I'll post a few pictures - they won't need any captions!


    Tom's parents - Heidi and Joe Trull


  • A Sudden Leak

    We had gone to cottage meetings last night, and came back home to get the snack ready for the others. When I turned on the water - NONE! Just as I was going out to tell Merle, another couple came in the back, and she was saying, "Wonder where that water is coming from". Her husband found one of the pipes to the washer was split and gushing water. I opened up the kitchen faucet again to relieve the pressure, and had water! Then ran and cut the breaker to the pump. Merle came in from showing the semi truck big horn to the children and helped fix it.
    The rest of the evening was relaxing and enjoyable. Was told that if I go to Merl's Countertops, two leafs could be made for my table!! That is sooo exciting to me! It has been years since we had a good dining room table. Now my table cloths will fit properly too.
    Mother reminded me of an old cook's trick the other day. If you find that something has scorched or burnt while being cooked, IMMEDIATELY take the pot/pan to the sink and set it in cold water. Let it sit in the cold water until cooled (I have sometimes changed the water to keep it cool). Usually there will be none or very little of the bad taste left. She did this on a piece of deer meat that she had in a portable crock pot. (She had forgotten to add some water and it went dry) She said that the only place that did not turn out ok was the area that was on the very bottom.

  • Cottage Meeitngs

    We have cottage meetings tomorrow night. It will be a fairly large group, and we have invited them to come for a snack after our visit with a neighbor. He used to be at the garbage collection site, but is not able to work anymore. Merle had visited him a couple times, and those two can carry on a loooong conversation!
    One of the people going with us is planning to bring his tape measure and check out the table I got for the dining room. Wonder if it will be able to stretch as far as I want it to.
    My sister, Melvene, is coming in the morning to help me get ready. The high stuff that needs dusted used to be done by Elizabeth. It will give me some time with my sister again.

  • "Grandmas at Play"- Last Part

    After eating at Cracker Barrel, we drove over to Freedom Weekend Aloft. I had told my sisters that I would sit in the car and wait on the  balloons, but Melvene arranged for us to park near the handicapped area. After walking about 1/4 mile into the park area, my hip wanted to catch, and I would stop and rest. Melvene said she was going to get a wheel chair for me to ride! Between Helen and I, we had the cash, and Melvene said that if we pay - she will do the pushing! It did make it much nicer and faster.

    As we went through the walk area, we met up with a couple that Melvene used to pick up for school - years ago! During the last year, they have gotten married. The tall fellow behind them in the picture was also one of the students Melvene carried on the bus. We had to have our picture taken with Gecko!

    It was getting close to 8 PM, and we still had not seen any balloons take off. Then we saw two lifting up! The only two for the evening. Once they were in the air, they let the others know that the wind was not favorable to fly.

    We listened to part of a concert, and then found a spot to wait for the fireworks. Melvene had us sit where we were right under them. Helen and I have never been that close to them before. While we waited, we ate cotton candy that Helen bought. It has been quite a few years since I have had that to eat. Tried to share it with a small boy nearby, but he did not like it!
    The fireworks were wonderful! They are something that we truly enjoy, and remind us how fast good times come to an end, and only memories are left!  We went home full of memories of the past couple days. I found Tom at my place, and he was determined that he was sleeping in Elizabeth's bed this time! (Usually, he kicks Merle into it!)

    ----til next time!